

Donations are exempted u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act.

Kottaram Charities Trust is eligible to receive Corporate Social Responsibility funds and complies with the requirements of CSR audit and utilisation regulations. Please reach out to us and we will submit the proposal in the prescribed form. Some of our CSR options are:

Some of our CSR options are:

1. Endowment Scheme

In this scheme, interest on the CSR fund amount will be utilised for our activities .

2. Financial Guardianship

You may sponsor a beneficiary institution/ group of individuals and we shall administer and monitor effective utilisation of CSR funds. You can also extend financial support for procurement of materials and equipment for beneficiary institution/group of individuals .

3. Building Fund

You may donate for the construction of a building, digital information resources centre or other infrastructure/collateral assets for projects managed by Kottaram Charities Trust and partner organisations.

4. Donations in Kind

You can help our centres by donating smart-classroom equipment, educational kits and learning software, medicines and medical supplies, furniture, tools and small machines for self-employment, display, exhibitions and demonstrations equipment, transport vehicle, new or used office equipment such as computers and printers, projectors and copier machines.

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